Speak English Fluently Using The 3000 Most Frequently Used Words in English
Learn how to improve your English vocabulary, listening, and speaking at the same time using the 3000 most commonly used words in English.
Why the 3000 most frequently used English words?
When it comes to learning English, vocabulary is probably the most important thing. Without words, you cannot read, hear, speak, or write. However, have you ever asked yourself:
“How many words do I need to learn to become fluent in English?”
Let's take a look at the dictionary, you will find that there are about 470,000 different words in English. If you learn 20 words a day, it will take you...60 years to learn them all!

Fortunately, you don't have to learn them all to become fluent in English. Americans use around 2500 – 3000 of the most common words in their daily lives. If you know these 3000 most common words, you can understand at least 95% of all conversations, e-mails, newspapers, and books.
Sounds great! But what is the most effective way to learn these words?
Focus on example sentences when learning vocabulary. Here's why?
When it comes to learning English vocabulary, the most important thing you need to focus on are example sentences because they help you to improve all your English skills - including vocabulary, listening, speaking, and writing.
If you want to speak English fluently, learn with your ears, not with your eyes
Learning English can be broken down into two parts: input and output. Input consists of reading and listening while output consists of writing and speaking. The more input you get, the more output you can produce. It's that simple.
Here's the little secret you probably don't know yet:
Therefore, you should listen to (and repeat) example sentences if you want to improve your speaking (and listening). It means that every example sentence should go with the audio.

Repetition is the secret to English fluency
If you want to quickly achieve fluency level - to speak English easily, fluently and automatically, you'll need to do one more thing:
Learn deeply through lots of repetition.
It means that you will need to listen to every example sentence many, many times, until you MASTER it. Don't listen just one time or a few times. It's not enough. You will forget it very soon.
You may know how to use a word to make a correct sentence, but here's the thing: Can you use it quickly, easily, and automatically?
If the answer is no, you need to repeat more. You must listen to that example sentence again and again.
Don't ignore this simple secret. This is how you will achieve automatically fast speaking.
FREE English Lessons - 3000 Most Frequently Used Words in English
In the following section, you will find around 3000 free lessons for the 3000 most commonly used words in English. Each lesson consists of the definition (meaning) of the word, the audio pronunciation, and many example sentences with high-quality audio.
Listen to (and repeat) each lesson many times - and watch how fast your English speaking improves!
Enjoy the lessons!
P/S: Check out the Resources page for our recommended courses and lessons.