
Category Archives for "102 Common Idioms"

8 Common Idioms about Time

Idioms about Time 1. Nine-to-five job A job that you work during the office hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nina works a nine-to-five job. Nine-to-five jobs are boring. I’d rather run my own business. A nine-to-five job suits you best if you don’t like traveling and adventure. 2. At the eleventh hour Having […]

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6 Common Idioms about Friendship

Idioms about Friendship 1. Lend your money. Lose your friend. You shouldn’t lend your friend money because it may create issues. You’ll have to bother your friend to repay the loan, or your friend may never repay the loan. Both can make your friendship worse. You shouldn’t have lent her money. Remember, “lend your money. […]

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