“Coffee” in a Sentence (with Audio)

coffee (n): a dark brown powder with a strong flavour and smell that is made by crushing coffee beans, or a hot drink made from this powder

Use “coffee” in a sentence

He took me to a coffee shop yesterday.
There’s no coffee left in the pot.
“Do you want coffee?” “No, I prefer tea, thanks.”
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I need a spoon to stir my coffee.
Is the coffee all right?
He ordered a cup of coffee.
We went out for a coffee.
She is going downstairs to take a cup of coffee.
This coffee is too bitter.
I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning.
Would anyone like more coffee?
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Why don’t you come in for a cup of coffee and a chat?
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Would you like tea or coffee?
Could I have some more coffee?
Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

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