adopt (v): to legally take another person’s child into your own family and take care of him or her as your own child Use “adopt” in a sentence They decided to adopt a child. The government adopted a new policy. The committee adopted the proposal. She was adopted by a rich family when she was […]
Continue readingLearn how to use the word “admit” in a sentence. How to connect “admit” with other words to make correct English sentences. admit (v): to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly Use “admit” in a sentence They refused to admit defeat. He admitted careless driving. He openly admitted his mistake. Don’t be afraid to […]
Continue readingadmire (v): to find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look at Use “admire” in a sentence I admire your intelligence. We all admire your courage. I’ve always admired your determination. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingadjust (v): to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable Use “adjust” in a sentence You need to adjust your watch. It’s slow. The rules need to be adjusted as soon as possible. You need to adjust the height of the table. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingadequately (adv): in a way that is enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose Use “adequately” in a sentence Are you adequately prepared for the exam? I was not adequately prepared for the exam. Vitamin C must be adequately supplied. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingadequate (adj): enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose Use “adequate” in a sentence Your grades are adequate but I think you can do better. Is your salary adequate to support your family? The food is adequate for the price. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingaddress (n, v): the number of the house, name of the road, and name of the town where a personlives or works, and where letters can be sent; to speak or write to someone Use “address” in a sentence He gave the police a false name and address. Please write your full name and address […]
Continue readingadditional (adj): extra Use “additional” in a sentence How much is the additional charge? One-Day delivery will cost an additional 9,99 dollars. Can you give me some additional information about your situation? Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingaddition (n): the process of adding numbers or amounts together Use “addition” in a sentence In addition to being a doctor, he is a writer. In addition to English I can speak basic Japanese. This stamp is an addition to my collection. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingadapt (v): to change, or to change something, to suit different conditions or uses Use “adapt” in a sentence He couldn’t adapt to new circumstances. I quickly adapted myself to my new school. We must adapt our plan to these new circumstances. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
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