anger (n): a strong feeling that makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened Use “anger” in a sentence He couldn’t hide his anger at us. He couldn’t control his anger. I can understand your anger in this situation. He ran out of the room […]
Continue readingancient (adj): of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time Use “ancient” in a sentence Hoi An is an ancient town in Vietnam. Rome is famous for its ancient architecture. My father is interested in ancient history. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readinganalysis (n): the act of analysing something Use “analysis” in a sentence It’s a problem that requires careful analysis. Your analysis of the situation is accurate. His analysis was not reliable. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readinganalyse, analyze (v): to study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it Use “analyse/analyze” in a sentence The job involves gathering and analysing data. He tried to analyse his feelings.
Continue readingamusing (adj): entertaining and funny Use “amusing” in a sentence What an amusing situation! I saw an amusing comedy last night. She told the children an amusing story. I found her very amusing. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingamuse (v): to entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or action or by making them laugh or smile Use “amuse” in a sentence My joke amused everyone. That picture will amuse you. We were greatly amused by her story. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingamount (n, v): a collection or mass, especially of something that cannot be counted; Use “amount” in a sentence You get paid in proportion to the amount of work you do. There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can withdraw. This will save us a substantial amount of time. I borrowed a […]
Continue readingamong(amongst) (prep): in the middle of or surrounded by other things Use “among(amongst)” in a sentence There is a traitor among us. Tattoos are very fashionable among young people lately. She was chosen from among 30 applicants. The profits are shared out equally among the partners. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingambulance (n): a special vehicle used to take sick or injured people to hospital: Use “ambulance” in a sentence Do you want me to call an ambulance? Please send an ambulance. She died before the ambulance arrived. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
Continue readingambition (n): a strong wish to achieve something Use “ambition” in a sentence His ambition is to become a great scientist. I have no political ambition. She finally achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer. Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”
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