10 Common Phrasal Verbs with “Pick” – Meanings and Example Sentences (Audio)
Pick up
to lift and hold something; to get someone or something; to clean or organize after someone has made a mess; to resume something after a break
Pick out
If you pick out someone or something, you choose them from among a group of people or things, or recognize something or someone in a group.
Pick at
to eat only a small amount of food because you are not hungry
Pick on
to choose someone or something; to repeatedly treat someone unfairly or unkindly
Pick off
to shoot someone or something one by one by aiming at them carefully from a distance
Pick up on
to talk again about something that others have mentioned; to notice something
Pick apart
to find flaws in something by careful examination
Pick over
to carefully examine and choose the one you want
Pick through
to search carefully to find something